Selling To Netflix 2025
Price: $199 $149
Your GPS for navigating Netflix and the Streaming landscape
Here's the great news.
Netflix is in constant need of fresh content to update their catalogue, and their spending for unscripted/documentary content is astounding. (Current estimate: $1.1 billion in 2025!).
To keep up with demand, buyers for Netflix are seeking outstanding independent filmmakers and documentary creatives who can deliver the stories that Netflix wants.
With Netflix becoming increasingly selective, your concept and pitch must be more professional than ever!
So how do you get started connecting with a Netflix buyer and pitching your project?
What kind of content are they looking for and how do you pitch your project effectively?
How much do they pay?
This 'Selling To Netflix' course takes you step-by-step from idea development to pitching your concept and then making a winning Netflix deal!
In addition, the lessons you will learn -- about how producers successfully satisfy Netflix's programming appetites -- are highly relevant to Disney+, HBO Max, Paramount +, Apple TV+, Hulu, Discovery+, Peacock and the other well-funded competitors that are rushing into the streaming market.
By: Minna Dufton/Raggari Films
By: Tony Pinto/Pinto Productions
By: Sadhvi S.
By: Bruce Young/Co-Director, BLOOD LIONS
By: Dena Pitter
By: Alex Kronstein/KronAuteur Films
Your complete step-by-step pitching resource for selling your documentary to Netflix & the Streamers
Complete Selling To Netflix 2025 and Streamers Step-By-Step Roadmap: Hulu, Disney +, HBO MAX, iTunes, etc. What they want, What they are buying, Key Executives, and more!
Netflix 2025 Trends & Analysis Executive Report (PDF) - Including Names of 50+ Key Netflix decision-makers and how to contact them
Database of 900+ Netflix Documentaries (Commissions & Acquisitions) - Quickly gather critical data on Netflix documentaries to create comparables for investor pitch presentations
Database of 250+ Sales Agents, Distributors & Film Buyers
Streamers & Documentaries Guide: Netflix, Hulu, MAX and More - PDF
Stunning 21-Page Documentary Pitch Deck Template - Canva
Netflix Proposal Pitch Document Template
Netflix Email & Outreach Letter Templates
Downloadables PDFs, Case Studies & Resources including Worksheets, Check-Lists, Deliverables and Real World Examples!
Enrolled Students Get Access to Live Q&As with Our Industry Expert Guests
Netflix is a global entity and always looking for regional content. So yes, no matter where you are in the world, there is a potential Netflix audience for your film!
Yes, the course is designed to be accessible for both beginners and experienced filmmakers. Whether you are just starting out or looking to refine your pitching strategy, this course will provide valuable insights.
The course is already live and waiting for you!
You get a 2-year Access Pass with your purchase.
Yes. Our website adapts to phone and tablet browsers so you can watch our content anywhere!
If you have any other questions, please contact us at [email protected]
"An absolute win, a goldmine of invaluable information presented in an incredibly intuitive format. All in all, simply enormous value on so many levels!"
- Bruce Y.