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Documentary Legal Tool Kit or Legal Forms Multi-Pack

What's Inside:

  • Voice Talent Agreement

  • Music Master Use License

  • Music Synchronization License

  • Music Composer Agreement - (work for hire)

  • Music Composer Agreement - (License style)

  • 3rd Party Content License for Clips, Artwork, Products, Brands, etc.

Post-Production Legal Forms

Created exclusively for Desktop Documentaries by Entertainment Attorney Gordon Firemark.

Have the confidence that these forms are created and vetted by an entertainment attorney specifically for documentary filmmakers.

Make sure your documentary has all the proper legal paperwork. Click the red button for immediate access.
Documentary Legal Forms & Contracts [Post-Production Pack]

How To Use The Forms

  • Voice Talent Agreement - Use this form to engage the services of a Voice-Over artist or offscreen narrator for your film.

  • Music Master Use License - Use this form for each piece of recorded music not owned by the film’s producer. Typically, musical sound recordings (called “Masters”) are owned by the record company that released them.

  • Music Synchronization License - Use this form for each musical composition not owned by the film’s producer. Typically, musical compositions are owned by either the songwriter/composer or the music publishing companies with which they’ve contracted.

  • Music Composer Agreement (work for hire) - Use this form when engaging the services of a composer who will be creating the score for the film as a work-made-for-hire.

  • Music Composer Agreement (license style) - Use this form when engaging a composer to create original musical material, but under circumstances (typically budgetary) dictating that the composer (rather than the Producer) will retain ownership of the compositions, and is thus granting the Producer a mere license for its use in the film.

  • 3rd Party Content License for Clips, Artwork, Products, Brands, etc. - Use this form whenever a film will include content not owned by or created by/for the producer, such material should be “cleared” for inclusion. Such material can include literary, artistic, video, audio, photographs, album covers, posters, newspaper and magazine mastheads or covers, etc.

Use With Confidence

  • Word doc (.docx)

    All legal forms come in Word format for easy editing.

  • Attorney Certified

    Created by a Hollywood-based Entertainment attorney.

  • Doc Filmmakers

    Exclusively for documentary filmmakers.

From the Offices of Gordon P. Firemark

Attorney At Law Gordon P. Firemark

Mr. Firemark is an entertainment attorney based in California and also teaches Entertainment Law in Columbia College Hollywood's film program. He's the producer and host of Entertainment Law Update, a podcast for artists and professionals in the entertainment industries and the author of The Podcast, Blog and New Media Producer’s Legal Survival Guide. The Law Offices of Gordon P. Firemark cover intellectual property, cyberspace, new media and business/corporate matters for clients in the entertainment industry. More Info: Law Offices of Gordon P. Firemark; Theatre, Film, TV & New Media