Documentary Legal & Business Essentials
Price: $99
6-Part Training Series with Entertainment Attorney Gordon P. Firemark
Learn Foundational Business Principles for Filmmaking
Securing Your Film's Chain of Title, Identifying and Addressing Rights Issues
Strategies for Using Copyrighted Material, When to Rely on the Doctrine of Fair Use (and when not to)
Obtaining Necessary Releases and Permits - Dealing With Rights of Privacy & Publicity, Avoiding Claims of Defamation
Addressing Personnel Issues, Types of Insurance Required for Film Production
Fundamental Terms Of The Distribution Agreement, The Revenue "Waterfall"
With Documentary Legal & Business Essentials, you get access to a 6-part (21 videos) legal training series covering THE most essential legal issues filmmakers need to know during the making of a documentary.
These topics have been specifically curated for documentary filmmakers by entertainment lawyer Gordon Firemark.
The course is offered in a quick & easy format with videos, fun quizzes and downloads.
The goal is not to turn you into a lawyer, but to give you the necessary insight to help you avoid the most common legal issues that get filmmakers in trouble.
As an extra bonus, get access to a growing database of 100+ legal Q&As (recorded on video) for added context and clarification. Questions such as "Can I use video from YouTube in my documentary?" or "Is it ok to use a newspaper article or headline in my documentary?"
You have a lifetime access pass so you can refer back to the course as often as you need to during the making of your film!
Want Legal Forms & Contracts along with Legal/Business Essentials? |
Getting a film MADE is a huge accomplishment. But it does no good for anyone, if the film never sees the light of day.
Getting distribution is the key to securing a return on your (and your financiers’) investment.
Too often, however, filmmakers encounter problems on the eve of distribution because they don't have their business and legal affairs in order. This costs them time, money, sleepless nights, and may even lead to whole projects being “shelved."
These aspects of filmmaking are just as important to a film's success as the creative. And for the creative-minded filmmaker, they can be downright daunting.
But they don't have to be.
Entertainment Attorney Gordon P. Firemark has created this practical legal resource to give filmmakers THE most essential information needed to make smart, practical business decisions at each stage of the documentary process -- from conception and development of the idea, through production, post, and into distribution.
A one-hour legal consultation can cost $300-$1100+/per hour. And one mess-up could cost you thousands of dollars in legal fees, not to mention all the headaches, sleepless nights and lost revenue.
With the Documentary Legal & Business Essentials Course, you'll have peace of mind that you've covered your bases and avoid unnecessary legal surprises.
"This course is excellent. What I love most is the simplicity. It's an outstanding tool!"
- Thadius Bonapart, III / Bonapart Media
By Annette King/Splicer Films
By Matthew Richardson/Pele Pictures
by Leonard Smith III/LS3 Studios
by Bob Williams/Films For Good
by Fairlie Arrow/Storynmotion Films
by Zian Chavez/WATMBP LLC
"This whole legal thing was so daunting before your course. I had no idea where to start. And I just want to say how amazing it's been and how helpful you've been. Thank you!"
- by Ramy Hassan/Director-Producer
BUNDLE: Includes 14 Legal Contracts/Templates, 6-Part Documentary Legal & Business Essentials Course and 100+ most common filmmaker legal Q&As with Entertainment Attorney Gordon P. Firemark.
(Attorney-Certified) Essential Legal Forms: Talent Release, Location Release, Materials Release, Group Release, Background Release, Poster-Style Release, Crew Deal Memo and Life Rights Release.
(Attorney-Certified) Post-Production Legal Forms: Voice Talent Agreement, Music Master Use License, Music Sync License, Music Composer Agreements (2) and 3rd Party Content License.